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- accelerated failure-time models
- added-variable Plot (leverage plot)
- adjusted means
- adjusted r-square
- Akaike's Information Criterion
- analysis of covariance - same slopes
- analysis of covariance - separate slopes
- analysis of variance - ANOVA one-way
- analysis of variance - ANOVA general
- autocorrelation
- bar chart
- Bartlett's test
- Bayes Plot (Box-Meyer)
- biplot: Gabriel
- Box-Behnken design
- Box-Cox power transformation
- Box-Meyer Bayes Plot
- Box-Wilson designs
- box plot
- Brown-Forsythe test
- calibration
- canonical correlation
- capability analysis
- central composite design
- chi-square - for two-way table of frequencies
- chi-square - for a general categorical response model
- cluster analysis
- collinearity
- comparison circles
- confounding
- contour plot
- contrasts
- control charts (Shewhart Charts)
- Cook's D
- correlation - two variables
- correlation - for many variables
- correspondence analysis
- Cotter designs
- counts; see frequency counts
- Cox Proportional Hazards Model
- C(p)
- cross-tabulation
- cube plot
- custom tests
- D-Optimal design search
- design of experiments
- desirability profiling
- discriminant analysis
- Dunnett’s test for treatments vs. control
- Durbin-Watson test
- ellipses - bivariate density
- experimental design
- exponential plot
- extreme vertices design
- factor analysis - Little Jiffy factor analysis
- factorial models
- failure time
- Fisher's Exact Test
- fractional factorial design (2-level)
- fractional factorial design (3-level)
- frequency counts - one-way classification
- frequency counts - 2-way cross-tabulation
- frequency counts - general
- Gabriel biplot
- Generalized Linear Models or GLIM
- goodness of fit; see lack of fit
- Greenhouse-Geisser
- heteroschedasticity
- hierarchical clustering
- histogram
- Hoeffding D
- homogeneity of variances
- Hotelling’s T-squared
- Hotelling-Lawley Trace
- Hsu’s MCB test
- Huynh-Feldt
- interaction plots, profile plots (general)
- interaction plots
- iteratively-reweighted least squares
- inverse prediction
- Kaplan-Meier Survival Estimates
- Kendall's tau-b
- Kruskal-Wallis test
- L18, L36 designs
- lack of fit
- least squares means
- Lenth's Pseudo-standard error
- Levene's test
- leverage plot
- likelihood-ratio Chi-square
- log-linear models
- log-logistic survival model
- log-normal survival model
- log-rank test (Survival)
- logistic regression
- LSD - least significant difference
- LSN - least significant N
- LSV - least significant Value
- Mahalanobis Distance
- Mallow's C(p)
- Mann-Whitney U Test
- MANOVA - multivariate analysis of variance
- marginal means
- Mauchly Criterion
- maximum likelihood
- maximum r-square
- means: single population
- means across groups, one-way layout
- means across groups, grouping facility
- median
- median test
- mixed-level designs
- mixed model
- mixture designs
- mosaic plot
- multiple comparisons
- multiple regression
- multivariate analysis of variance
- multivariate analysis
- multivariate tests
- multicollinearity
- needle plot
- nested designs, effects
- nonlinear regression
- nonparametric: Spearman's Rho
- nonparametric: Kendall's tau-b
- nonparametric: Hoeffding D
- nonparametric: Kruskal-Wallis
- nonparametric: Median test
- nonparametric: Van der Waerden test
- nonparametric: Wilcoxon signed-ranks test
- nonparametric: Wilcoxon 2-group test
- normal plot
- normal quantile plot
- normality: Shapiro-Wilk and KSL tests
- normality: quantile plot
- normality: normal curve on histogram
- O'Brien's test
- optimal design search
- ordinal responses
- ordinal factors
- ordinal logistic regression
- orthogonal array design
- outlier: Mahalanobis distance
- outlier box plot
- overlay plots
- paired t-test
- Pareto Plot (effects in a model)
- Pareto chart - general
- partial correlation - group
- partial correlation - pairwise
- partial plot (leverage plot)
- Pearson Chi-square
- pie chart
- Pillai's Trace
- Plackett-Burman designs
- plot - scatterplot
- Poisson regression model
- polynomial regression
- post hoc tests
- power
- principal components (with biplot)
- principal components (without biplot)
- probit model
- product-limit (Kaplan-Meier) Survival Estimates
- profile-likelihood confidence intervals
- profile plots, interaction plots
- proportional hazards (Cox) Model
- quantile box plot
- quantile: single population
- Q-Q plot, see normality: quantile plot for
- quantile: across groups
- random effects
- regression: logistic
- regression: multiple regression
- regression: one regressor
- regression: polynomial
- reliability - failure time
- repeated measures - univariate sphericty-adjusted
- repeated measures-univariate (mixed-models)
- repeated measures - multivariate
- response surface designs
- response surface methodology
- robust regression
- Roy's Maximum Root Criterion
- r-square
- r-square - adjusted
- r-square - maximum
- sample size
- scatterplot
- scatterplot matrix
- schematic plot
- screening designs
- Shapiro-Wilk test for normality
- Shewhart Charts;
- signed-rank test
- simplex centroid design
- simplex lattice design
- smoothers - splines
- Spearman's Rho
- sphericity test and adjustments
- spinning plot
- splines - smoothing
- standard deviation
- standardizing
- step plots
- stepwise regression
- Student’s t: two groups, equal variance
- Student’s t: two groups, unequal variance
- Student’s t: test that mean=value
- Student’s t: test parameter in linear model
- Student’s t: Paired
- survival analysis
- survival estimates - product limit (Kaplan-Meier)
- survival - parametric survival models
- t test: see Student’s t
- Taguchi robust parameter design
- ternary plot
- three-level designs
- tobit model
- Tukey-Kramer HSD test
- two-level designs
- types of sums of squares
- uniform precision, see response surface designs
- univariate distribution
- univariate repeated measures
- Van der Waerden Test
- variance components
- variance homogeneity
- Wald Test
- Weibull survival model
- Weibull Plot
- Welch Anova
- Wilcoxon signed-ranks test
- Wilcoxon 2-group test
- Wilcoxon test (Survival)
- Wilk's Lambda